Looking for ways to cut down on waste and go green in the kitchen? I’ve got 10 tips on how to do it. Plus, you’ll save money and help the environment along the way.

10 Low-Cost Ways to Go Green in the Kitchen

1. Slay energy vampires. Coffee makers, microwaves, blenders and other kitchen appliances use energy (even when turned off) anytime they’re plugged into a socket. Save up to $100 a year by unplugging devices that aren’t in use or consider a power strip to switch off a cluster of appliances at a time.

2. Upgrade old appliances. For many households, kitchen appliances that are 10+ years old use 70-90% more power than new models. Replace them with Energy Star appliances to cut down on home energy consumption.

3. Switch to cloth. Rather than depend on paper towels for cleaning and drying, make the switch to cloth towels or reuse old t-shirts for cleaning cloths. You’ll save money and cut down on trash waste.

4. Air your clean laundry. When you replace paper towels for cloth towels, be sure to wash and air dry them to cut down on energy consumption and save money. Air drying can be done outside or inside on a towel rack.

5. Check your faucets. Attach low-flow faucet aerators to kitchen faucets that pour out more than 2 gallons per minute. Save up to $80 per year on utility bills by updating faucets in the kitchen and bathrooms.

6. Grow your own produce. Cut down on grocery costs by growing your own fruit and vegetable garden. Tomatoes and berries are pretty simple to grow – even in a small space such as an apartment patio. No time? Start with an herb garden. Herbs can be grown anywhere – even indoors on a window sill.

7. Join a food buying club. Save money on essentials such as grass-fed beef, organic produce, pantry essentials and more with a food buying club. Bulk foods and supplies cost less to produce and ship as well as use less packaging (cutting down on waste going to landfills). You’ll also help to support small businesses and farms.

8. Barter and share whenever possible. Develop a community to trade or share food, kitchen essentials and even your own skills to save money. Share an abundance of a garden crop with a neighbor or swap meals with a friend.

9. Make your own cleaning supplies. Household cleaners can cost up to $6 – especially for all-natural brands. Make your own cleaners for just pennies. Here’s a fantastic all-purpose household cleaner. Keep reading for more information on how to make your own furniture polish, glass cleaner, disinfectant spray, toilet cleaner, tile and tub cleaner and laundry detergent.

10. Save your kitchen scraps. Composting is a great way to keep your garden soil healthy as well as keep 20-50% of your waste from ending in a landfill. It’s easy to do. Just save vegetable and fruit scraps in the kitchen as well as dead leaves and grass clippings from the yard to a compost bin in your yard. More details on how to set up a composting bin and 100 things you can compost below.